Babyscripts Virtual Care Resource Center

The latest trends, insights, opportunities, and best practices in maternity care and digital health tech.

Preterm Birth Is A Solvable Problem
Preterm Birth Is A Solvable Problem
November 18

With the recent release of the March of Dimes Maternal and Infant Health Report Card, preterm birth — and the egregious ...

11/16/21: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
11/16/21: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
November 16

Statistics continue to worsen around maternal and infant health in the U.S., spurred by the pandemic and health inequity...

10/29/2021: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
10/29/2021: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
October 29

In the news, physician and care team shortages are exacerbated by pandemic fatigue and vaccine mandates. New recommendat...

Four Ways to Foster an Innovation-Friendly Culture
Four Ways to Foster an Innovation-Friendly Culture
October 20

This month, Babyscripts closed the first round of our Series B funding raise. While other startups were forced to shutte...

10/15/2021: The State of Maternal Care and Digital Health
10/15/2021: The State of Maternal Care and Digital Health
October 15

Health equity remains a hot button issue in the maternal health space and is gaining ground in the public consciousness,...

Research Shows Benefits of Remote Weight Management in Pregnancy
Research Shows Benefits of Remote Weight Management in Pregnancy
October 7

New research from Babyscripts and the George Washington University confirms that technology is a successful mechanism fo...

10/01/2021 The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
10/01/2021 The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
October 1

Health systems are facing new imperatives around virtual care in the face of post-pandemic shifts and new entrants into ...

9/17/21 The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health Tech
9/17/21 The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health Tech
September 17

Digital health is gaining traction with legislative steam and government funding behind it, but as it becomes more accep...

Here's Why Insurance Plans are Tapping into Digital Health Ecosystems
Here's Why Insurance Plans are Tapping into Digital Health Ecosystems
September 8

Health insurance payers have realized that collaborating with the right technology vendors can improve engagement and he...

9/03/2021 The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health Tech
9/03/2021 The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health Tech
September 3

As the Biden administration announces a new office for Health Equity and Climate Change, questions of geographic, financ...