Pregnancy & Postpartum
Behavioral Health Intervention
Behavioral health issues represent the most common complication of pregnancy and childbirth in the United States, and are the leading cause of maternal mortality.
At Babyscripts, we envision a world in which maternal death is eliminated. We’re committed to providing the technology and tools that enable seamless collaboration between moms, their doctors, health systems, and payers to make that vision a reality.
Fast Facts About
Maternal Behavioral Health

Babyscripts & Maternal Behavioral Health Intervention
Babyscripts offers dynamic risk identification for behavioral health through the prenatal and postpartum period, deploying PHQ2/9 and/or EDPS assessments at designated times through the maternity episode via a mobile app. Based on responses, Babyscripts elevates the concern to the healthcare provider, surfaces educational resources, connects the patient to available benefits, and/or leverages our partnership ecosystem to offer patients more tailored support.
This risk assessment model is supplemented by behavioral health content available 24/7 through the Babyscripts myJourney app, including information around signs and symptoms of risk as well as techniques to reduce and manage behavioral health issues. With these resources, Babyscripts facilitates higher quality appointments and empowers patients to bring concerns to their healthcare provider.
published Research
Mobile Assessments to Improve Screening and Novel Patient Engagement to Diagnose and Manage Maternal Mental Health (MIND) Study Midpoint Analysis: Compliance Rate of Antenatal Screening
Via a remote screening tool designed to assess risk for behavioral health complications and connect patients to appropriate resources, Babyscripts was shown to significantly improve EPDS response rates for pregnant mothers in the first and second trimester.
Virtual Care Resource Center
3 Ways to Improve Maternal Behavioral Health
Behavioral health issues are the highest cause of maternal deaths. But despite advances in medical care, addressing behavioral health issues remains complex — due in part to the inherent differences between managing clinical risks and behavioral health risks. Learn more about how to empower women through objective tools, address stigma through education, and strengthen the relationship between healthcare provider and patient.
Perinatal and Postpartum Screening for Mental Health: Benefits and Challenges
Behavioral health concerns rose to alarming rates during the pandemic, and have only gotten worse since, contributing to what the Surgeon General has called a “devastating” mental health crisis in the U.S. As a segment of the population that is already disposed to anxiety, pregnant and postpartum women are some of the greatest sufferers of this crisis. With limited time to discuss any non-clinical concerns in a maternity care appointment, behavioral health often goes overlooked and goes undiagnosed. Remote screening for behavioral health symptoms could offer a solution.
Mental Illness is a Silent Pandemic: We Need To Be Talking About It
Stigma and other barriers, such as lack of education and trust in the healthcare system, have contributed to the underdiagnosis of maternal behavioral health issues. Many behavioral health symptoms mirror the physical effects of motherhood, highlighting the need for better communication and information around behavioral health in this population. Research shows that digital health has the potential to stem and even roll back the growing tide of mental health issues in the pregnancy community.
Reviews from Patients & Clinicians
Mental health can easily slip through the cracks in an OB appointment. It’s difficult to diagnose and identify in the space of an appointment, and due to stigma and other barriers, mothers are not always forthcoming about their mental health struggles. We believe that technology delivered in the comfort and security of a patient’s home, that connects them directly to resources and identifies emerging symptoms in real time, has the potential to close these gaps in care.
Dr. Kathryn Marko Ob/Gyn at GW MFA
This app empowers pregnant women with the tools they need to be knowledgable. Not only do they give you weekly updates, but you also get daily tips, advice or articles to read. They have a whole resource section to check out if you have a question or concern. I would recommend this to any pregnant mom or woman planning to become pregnant!
Babyscripts Patient
The service was beneficial to me. Although I lost my child, the grief information was available temporarily even when I couldn’t accept what happened. Thank you.
Babyscripts Patient
This is my first pregnancy and I’m very thankful I found this healthcare provider that provided me with this app. When I first found out I was pregnant I thought I would be lost and confused but it was honestly a breeze because of all the resources available. This app was very handy.
Babyscripts Patient
Ready to learn more?
Schedule a call to learn more about the Babyscripts maternal health program with behavioral health intervention.