Babyscripts Virtual Care Resource Center
The latest trends, insights, opportunities, and best practices in maternity care and digital health tech.
05/13/2022: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
May 13ACOG wraps up its Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting, with a heavy focus on the benefits and downsides of technology...
New Babyscripts App Illustrations Promote Inclusion & Accessibility
May 4In the latest of several enhancements to our product, Babyscripts myJourney is adding customized illustrations to modern...
04/29/2022: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
April 29As virtual solutions become a healthcare priority, the industry is seeking ways to refine the market, communicate value,...
The Future of Managed Care: Key Takeaways From the Medicaid Managed Care Summit
April 28Medicaid is the single largest source of health coverage in the United States, and the maternity population is no except...
Remote Monitoring Can Help A Texas-Sized Maternal Health Problem.
April 20In the state of Texas, black women account for 11% of live births, but 31% of maternal deaths. I recently attended the T...
04/15/2022: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
April 15During Black maternal health week, the industry takes a closer look at disparity of outcomes for BIPOC women across the ...
Integration is Key to Digital Health Adoption — Why is it Lagging?
April 6Integration and interoperability have been hot button topics in the digital health space for at least a decade, as indus...
04/01/2022: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
April 1In the news, discussions of access move beyond broadband to include incorporation of community resources and support. St...
Outcomes Show Babyscripts Drives Higher Compliance to Postpartum Care
March 31Babyscripts recently celebrated one year of partnership with LCMC Health, a New Orleans-based, non-profit health system....
Babyscripts Focuses on Diversity & Accessibility in Latest App Refresh
March 24Babyscripts myJourney is bringing more resources to our patients and diversifying the user experience, and we want to sh...