Babyscripts Virtual Care Resource Center
The latest trends, insights, opportunities, and best practices in maternity care and digital health tech.
07/08/2022: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
July 8New data confirms what the industry suspected: social isolation, shortage of care providers, and other socio-economic fa...
Medicaid Postpartum Expansion: Implications and the Critical Role of Digital Health
June 29Last week, the White House released the Biden-Harris Administration’s Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisi...
06/24/2022: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
June 24Health systems and tech vendors are evolving strategies to adapt to the changing economic landscape -- technology will b...
HIMSS data reveals divergent priorities for health systems and tech vendors
June 23A recent survey on RPM and care coordination conducted by HIMSS demonstrated critical gaps between health system expecta...
My son’s birth changed my life, and my work in maternity care.
June 19Fatherhood: the Great Disruptor. A year on from the birth of his first child, co-founder and CEO of Babyscripts Anish Se...
06/10/2022: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
June 10As inflation affects an already strained healthcare system, health systems and payers are looking for innovative ways to...
Healthcare Labor Shortage 2022: 3 Ways Digital Health Can Make Your Doctors' Lives Easier
June 3First the bad news: the labor shortage isn't going away. The good news? Digital health may be able to bridge the gaps ca...
5/27/2022: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
May 27Health systems turn to digital health partnerships as they confront problems of labor and staff shortages, and the healt...
Modernizing Maternity Care: Spotlight on Lauren Demosthenes, MD, Senior Medical Director
May 25At ACOG's Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting this year, Babyscripts Senior Medical Director, Dr. Lauren Demosthenes,...
Babyscripts Increases Access to Nutrition & Allergy Resources with Ready, Set, Food!
May 19In Babyscripts’ continued commitment to provide wraparound care to mothers and address pregnancy care holistically, we a...