Babyscripts 2022 Most Read Blog Posts@500x-8

2022 was an unpredictable year for healthcare. It began with cautious optimism as we emerged from the worst of the pandemic, and quickly brought more challenges as the country dealt with the aftermath — labor shortages, overburdened providers, health inequities, and an uncertain economy. 

Many long standing trends in digital health took a sharp drop as the industry reevaluated incentives and goals, and emerging research and data shifted the focus of maternity care stakeholders. 

We followed the ups and downs closely, keeping our readers abreast of the most pressing news and updates, offering insights on the state of the field and best practices, and sharing resources to help our network deliver the best in care to pregnant mothers. 

These were the pieces that our readers kept coming back to again and again in 2022:



Perinatal and Postpartum Screening for Mental Health: Benefits and Challenges

Mental health has emerged as a rapidly growing concern in recent years, with 90% of Americans saying there is a mental health crisis in a recent KFF-CNN poll. Data shows that mental health concerns increased for the overall population during the pandemic, and the recent economic downturn has only exacerbated contributing factors. As a segment of the population that is already disposed to anxiety, pregnant and postpartum women are some of the greatest sufferers. In this piece we break down some of the available solutions to address the growing crisis.


Remote Monitoring Can Help A Texas-Sized Maternal Health Problem.

In the state of Texas, black women account for 11% of live births, but 31% of maternal deaths, and clinical outcomes are not the only issues that the state of Texas is dealing with. Substance use disorder, mental health, and other social determinants of health are prevalent issues in a state that serves an extremely diverse geographic, economic, and ethnic maternity population. These insights from the Texas State of Reform conference go beyond state-specific problems to address more broadly the maternal health disparities afflicting many states across the U.S.

Babyscripts_Texas RPM



6 Reasons Our Customers Choose Babyscripts

Babyscripts has one of the most extensive provider networks in maternity care, and in the digital health industry. We broke down the reasons why more providers choose us, including our demonstrated clinical excellence and impact on outcomes, our years of on-the-ground experience, and our obstetrics-specific workflows designed with and for providers.



The Economics of Digital Health: Achieving ROI with Babyscripts 

Health systems are navigating a changed healthcare landscape where consumers now expect to receive care through a hybrid of virtual and in-person models. They’re also facing increased financial pressure from inflation and an economic recession, and rising labor costs that are shrinking already razor-thin profit margins. This piece (the first in a four-part series) details the ways in which providers and payers can maximize the financial impact of Babyscripts.



Mother in second trimester

80% of Maternal Deaths Are Preventable, New Data Shows. Virtual Care Can Help. 

Recently released data from Maternal Mortality Review Committees in 36 states show that 80% of pregnancy-related deaths are preventable, a massive jump from the previous statistic of 60%. The data collected by MMRCs is encouraging proof of increased and improved reporting processes across the U.S., a positive step in the country’s mission to lower maternal mortality rates. In this piece, we consider the immense opportunity for innovators, and how these data will inform provider and payer decisions as they weigh strategies for improving outcomes for pregnant mothers.


Here at Babyscripts we believe that free and open communication, even between traditional competitors, is the best way to achieve the ultimate goal of #betterpregnancies. We are committed to keeping our Virtual Care Resource Center a platform for sharing our wins and losses, best practices, and resources to all stakeholders who are invested in delivering better care to moms and babies.

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Remote Monitoring Can Help A Texas-Sized Maternal Health Problem.
Remote Monitoring Can Help A Texas-Sized Maternal Health Problem.

In the state of Texas, black women account for 11% of live births, but 31% of maternal deaths. I recently attended the T...

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