Babyscripts Virtual Care Resource Center
The latest trends, insights, opportunities, and best practices in maternity care and digital health tech.
11/15/2024: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
November 15In the news, the release of the March of Dimes 2024 report on maternal and infant health shows persistent failures in th...
11/01/2024: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
November 1In the news, two comprehensive reports on women's health highlight racial disparities and contributing factors to matern...
4 Key Findings on Maternal Health from UHF & America's Health Rankings
October 24The United Health Foundation (UHF) recently released America’s Health Rankings® 2024 Health of Women and Children Report...
Medicaid Is Expanding RPM Coverage - But Is It Enough?
October 9Across the U.S., more state Medicaid agencies are starting to cover essential maternal health services like remote patie...
10/04/2024: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
October 4In the news, the industry considers technology advancements for maternal healthcare, specifically AI, remote patient mon...
9/20/2024: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
September 20In the news, the release of the 2024 March of Dimes report on maternity care access sparks conversations in the industry...
2024 March of Dimes Maternity Desert Report: Improved Access to Care for Some, Urgent Need for Others
September 11The March of Dimes published "Nowhere to Go: Maternity Care Deserts Across the US," its first nationwide report on acces...
9/06/2024: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
September 6The AMA releases a guide for improving maternal health that includes remote patient monitoring. A personal story of mate...
Recommended Reading: Green Journal Editor's Pick Affirms Postpartum Hypertension Monitoring
August 29The Green Journal Editor's Pick for the month of September is Clinical Outcomes Associated With a Remote Postpartum Hype...
8/23/2024: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
August 23In the news, a data report shows the impact of maternal care deserts in urban areas, while the personal stories of Afric...