Babyscripts Virtual Care Resource Center
The latest trends, insights, opportunities, and best practices in maternity care and digital health tech.
FQHCs and RHCs Can Now Bill for Remote Patient Monitoring
February 1Starting in January of 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have affirmed that Federally Qualified...
1/26/2024: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
January 26A new report from the Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform (CHQPR) found that more than half of rural hospit...
To Fix the Maternal Mortality Crisis, We Need to Start with Medicaid
January 23Medicaid covers more than 41% of births in the United States, making it the country's single largest payer of pregnancy-...
1/12/2024: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
January 12As we enter the new year, leaders predict the biggest challenges and opportunities facing the healthcare industry in 202...
DC Council highlights maternal health priorities for 2024
January 5At the close of December, the DC Council convened a roundtable of maternal health stakeholders to discuss the barriers t...
2023 Year in Review: Our Most Read Posts
December 26Welcome to 2024! We're entering the new year with renewed energy to confront the challenges facing maternal health, and ...
CMS introduces new Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) model to support equity and access for Medicaid births
December 21The federal government is taking aim at the maternal health crisis with a big investment in State Medicaid Agencies in t...
2023 In Review: Top News in Maternity Care and Digital Health
December 15In a shift from our regularly scheduled bi-weekly news roundup, this Friday we're taking a look back at some of the bigg...
11/17/2023: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
November 17This week, the White House announced its latest initiative to promote women's health, as more concerning data is release...
11/03/2023: The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health
November 3In the news, concerning statistics around infant mortality are released in conjunction with a troubling report on the fu...