Babyscripts Virtual Care Resource Center
The latest trends, insights, opportunities, and best practices in maternity care and digital health tech.
CARES Act Funding and Support for Virtual Care
April 15Congress is expanding reimbursement for telehealth as virtual care becomes the new standard response to the demands of t...
COVID-19 and the Insurer: How Payors are Responding to the Challenges of a Pandemic
April 13It doesn’t take an emergency field hospital in Central Park to prove that the coronavirus pandemic is dramatically chang...
4/10/2020 The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health Tech
April 10In the news this week: The medical community continues to adapt to the demands of the coronavirus pandemic. Virtual care...
Virtual Maternity Care: A Complete Playbook
April 7The coronavirus pandemic is driving a need for virtual care, and subsequently posing a lot of logistical questions to he...
4/03/2020 The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health Tech
April 3In the news this week: As the lack of information around the novel coronavirus and maternal health continues, providers ...
OB Virtual Care On the Front Lines of COVID-19
April 2Interview with Mark Rosing, MD, MPH, FACOG, Chair of Obstetrics & Gynecology, SBH Health System Dr. Mark Rosing rece...
3/27/2020 The State of Maternity Care and Digital Health Tech
March 27Based on the conversations we are having with OBGYN practices, information being published in the media, and guidance de...
Educating Through Virtual Care in a Time of Crisis
March 24We fear what we don’t know, and the unknowns surrounding coronavirus are myriad. Lack of information on the nature of CO...
Tech-Enabled Prenatal Schedule to Respond to COVID-19: Best Practices from Cone Health
March 24Interview with Kelly Leggett, MD, MHA, Chief Clinical Transformation Officer at Cone Health As the President and other o...
Up-to-Date Industry Guidance on COVID-19
March 20Due to the dynamic nature of COVID-19, best practices and protocols are changing every day. We've compiled a one-stop re...