Welcome to 2024!
We're entering the new year with renewed energy to confront the challenges facing maternal health, and a continued commitment to delivering the most up to date news, research, and insights in the digital and maternal healthcare field.
But first, a look back at the pieces that kept our readers coming back again and again in 2023:
How The Patient Experience Can Inform Maternal Health Priorities
Deidre Winzy credited Babyscripts with saving her life after it played a role in catching her preeclampsia and helping to identify her stroke symptoms in postpartum. More than a year later, she's still using her blood pressure cuff.

Babyscripts Eliminates Racial Disparities in Blood Pressure Capture
Results of an randomized control trial showed that remote monitoring through Babyscripts improved blood pressure collection for patients with postpartum hypertension, compared to monitoring in-person at a doctor's appointment. Remote monitoring also eliminated racial disparities observed in office BP collection between White and Black patients.
News coverage
Postpartum: The Most Dangerous Period in Pregnancy
The U.S. healthcare system understands the need to emphasize and guarantee necessary prenatal care. Postpartum care is a different story.
The New York Times featured Babyscripts in a piece highlighting the challenges facing mothers after childbirth.

Is There a Solution for Maternity Care Deserts?
For a long time, the nation has been putting band-aids on the problem of maternity care deserts, propping up the existing system with temporary fixes, but the problem shows no sign of resolving. We discussed permanent solutions to meet demographic changes.
Dr. Google Presents a Massive Threat to Maternal Health
1 in 5 Americans consult TikTok for health advice before their doctor. An even greater number turn to Youtube and influencers. The internet has completely changed the way that patients learn about and engage in their health.
Babyscripts is a powerful tool against misinformation.
Here at Babyscripts we believe that free and open communication, even between traditional competitors, is the best way to achieve the ultimate goal of #betterpregnancies. We are committed to keeping our Virtual Care Resource Center a platform for sharing insights, best practices, and resources to all stakeholders who are invested in delivering better care to moms and babies.
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