Unlike many of the pregnancy apps available on the app store, the Babyscripts app is developed with and for providers, leveraging the full power of technology and clinically-validated research to elevate the standard of prenatal care. Here are three reasons you should be using it in your practice:
Deliver convenient solutions
Babyscripts meets modern mothers where they’re at: on the go. With the touch of a button on a smartphone, patients have immediate access to a wealth of educational info about their pregnancy. When a patient is enrolled into the program by their OBGYN, they receive our pregnancy app. The mobile app is a “to-do list” that guides the mother through each gestation period with practice-specific, provider-approved tasks related to nutrition, exercise, and other behaviors appropriate to pregnancy and specific to the practice. The delivery of this information through a mobile app allows providers to maintain continuous touchpoints with their patients, potentially reducing the number of routine in-office visits for low risk pregnancies.
Increase patient satisfaction
The use of a mobile app and connected remote monitoring devices allows both Babyscripts and the provider to create an environment that permits real-time feedback and intervention from the comfort of the patient’s home. The knowledge that a doctor is monitoring her well-being between visits in order to keep her on track provides a mother a level of security that goes above and beyond what she experiences through a traditional model of care. In fact, we have shown that 90% of our patients surveyed felt satisfied with their provider’s care and 67% felt MORE connected with their provider through the use of Babyscripts.
Optimize workflows and increase practice capacity
The Babyscripts solution integrates seamlessly into your workflow — it’s easy to implement and easier to use. In the case of low risk pregnancies, Babyscripts can potentially be used to replace routine follow-up appointments. This enables your practice, as a whole, to create up to 30% additional capacity by optimizing the visit schedule. With this additional capacity, clinicians can either see more patients, or schedule other higher margin consults. Babyscripts allows your practice to create these operational efficiencies while elevating the prenatal care experience.
By Justina Tong, Director, Customer Operations and Patient Services (COPS) at Babyscripts
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