Doctor with Phone

As state and federal governments begin discussions on how to reopen the economy, practices are looking toward the future too -- how to get patients back into the office, and how to integrate pandemic workflows in a post-pandemic world [see our interview with Dr. Sylvia Romm for a firsthand account of the questions facing practices post-Covid]. In the news this week, the healthcare industry debates whether the use of telehealth in meeting an outbreak might herald a new standard of care. Plus, how virtual care is being used to fight the ongoing public health crisis of maternal mortality. 

4/23/20, Fierce Healthcare: Half of physicians now using telehealth as COVID-19 changes practice operations

4/23/20, MedCity News: Everyone wins if we empower Ob-Gyns with technology

4/22/20, The Paper Gown: Get Ready to FaceTime With Your Ob-Gyn

4/21/20, Healthcare Finance News: COVID-19 may permanently alter the telehealth landscape, from reimbursement to utilization

4/20/20, Babypalooza: How Babyscripts is fighting to reduce maternal death rates

4/19/20, Stat News: Doctors discover telehealth’s silver lining in the Covid-19 crisis

Plus, recent research on maternal health:

AJOG: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in pregnant women: A report based on 116 cases

PubMed: Right-Sizing Prenatal Care to Meet Patients' Needs and Improve Maternity Care Value.

New England Journal of Medicine: Universal Screening for SARS-CoV-2 in Women Admitted for Delivery




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