Despite their critical role in population health, FQHCs face many challenges to care delivery. Babyscripts offers FQHCs the opportunity to address these challenges:

empowering patients

With 24/7 access to personalized health information and support

real-time monitorinG

To help manage conditions like preeclampsia

remote data capture

To ensure continuous care for those who might experience gaps due to missed appointments or systemic inequities

Challenges & Opportunities

Patient Access & Demand

Meeting the high demand for healthcare services in underserved communities can be challenging. FQHCs may struggle to accommodate the volume of patients seeking care. 

Babyscripts reduces the need for physical touch points

Through our fully virtual program that supports a patient's care plan

Education, weight management tools, assessments, information around available benefits and resources, blood pressure monitoring and behavioral and social risk assessments are available to the patient at their convenience through a mobile application and remote patient monitoring tools. With automation and remote monitoring through Babyscripts, some customers have safely implemented reduced in-person visit schedules for low risk patients to manage patient volume and meet increased need.

Care Coordination & Integration

Coordinating care across different providers and services can be challenging, especially when patients have complex healthcare needs that require collaboration among various healthcare professionals. 

Babyscripts addresses the problems of care fragmentation with a patient-centric risk identification model

that integrates the diverse members of the care team

Babyscripts enables a provider of care to identify risk, and also to surface that risk to the appropriate member of the care team through its digital pathway. Babyscripts also promotes standardization across clinics and providers, ensuring that the patient is receiving consistent care.

Social Determinants of Health

FQHCs often serve populations with higher rates of poverty and other social determinants of health. Addressing these factors, such as housing instability, food insecurity, and lack of transportation, is essential for holistic healthcare. 

Babyscripts provides SDoH checklists and assessments through the mobile app

to engage patients in their care and conveniently identify and manage risk

Based on patient responses, Babyscripts dynamically guides the patient on a care pathway tailored to their need and surfaces resources and benefits available to them through their care provider or health plan.

Cultural Competency & Language Barriers

FQHCs often serve diverse populations with varying cultural backgrounds and languages. Providing culturally competent care and overcoming language barriers can be crucial for effective healthcare delivery. 

Babyscripts provides digital accessible content

In English and SPanish at a simplified reading level

It is accessible to those with low health literacy, culturally competent and ADA-compliant to address individual barriers to care. Audio and visual supplementary aids help address issues of health literacy, which represents one of the greatest barriers to access for underserved populations, and close attention is paid to anything that might present a barrier to understanding, such as use of colloquial language or non-accessible color palettes.

Financial Sustainability

FQHCs often rely on a combination of federal grants, Medicaid, and other funding sources. Securing and maintaining adequate funding can be a constant challenge.

Babyscripts works with FQHC customers to determine the best funding opportunity

To create a sustainable financial plan for the future

Whether it be return on investment modeling, grant support, or accessing Medicaid partnerships, Babyscripts supports FQHCs in finding the best path to fund these critical tools for pregnant and postpartum patients.

Results from Babyscripts

Impact & Expertise

Remote Monitoring Compared With In-Office Surveillance of Blood Pressure in Patients With Pregnancy-Related Hypertension

In an RCT published in a special equity edition of ACOG’s Green Journal, Black patients logged BP at rates 30 points lower than White patients in-office. When BP was measured at home through Babyscripts, rates of ascertainment for both groups jumped to nearly 95%, eliminating the racial gap. This was a primarily Medicaid population.

View the study.

Babyscripts Improves LCMC Health Postpartum Visit Attendance

Babyscripts users were more than twice as likely to attend a postpartum visit within the first 30 days and nearly 40% more likely to attend one within 60 days.

View the study.

Evaluating Technology-Enabled Care Coordination During Prenatal Obstetrics & Gynecology

Care coordination through Babyscripts improved attendance at prenatal care visits and provided a reliable and efficient system that was successfully implemented within an underserved, urban obstetrical population.

View the study.

Care Coordination Blog Posts

Virtual Care Resource Center

Ready to learn more about Babyscripts?

Solve for the challenges facing FQHCs in maternal health by increasing patient access to care and care coordination, and addressing cultural competency and social determinants of health. Schedule a demo to learn more about how Babyscripts works with FQHCs.