With the holiday season in full swing, the streets are lined with wreaths, doorways are decorated with beautiful red bows, and the sound of holiday music is hard to miss. ’Tis the season, and the excitement of gift giving is in the air! It is also known as “our favorite time of the year.” While this a reality for some, millions of Americans, and others around the world are unable to participate in the festivities of the holiday season. For that population, it is a harsh reminder of food shortages, limited resources, and lack of shelter as temperatures drop. Reflecting on this triggered our team to brainstorm ways in which we could assist those who are less fortunate within our community here in Washington DC.
Impact so far

In addition to our mission to transform prenatal care, we also want to leave a footprint in community through giving. A few weeks ago, the Babyscripts team jumped at the opportunity to volunteer with Poor Robert’s Mission, a non-profit organization founded over 40 years ago, dedicated to serving low income families in Washington, DC. The team spent two hours distributing over 7,000 turkeys to families who otherwise wouldn’t have had the resources to celebrate with their families. The team assisted by loading turkeys into trucks and personal vehicles for various charities. It was eye opening to see how many people were impacted, and the service opportunity was a chance for team members to spend time with one another, rebuilding bonds that sometimes get lost in the midst of the every day hustle and bustle. We’ve always considered ourselves family at Babyscripts, and it was amazing to see everyone come together and participate in the cause.
What’s next?
Continuing the Thanksgiving theme, on Giving Tuesday, we asked our users and physician partners to donate a number of charities that support expectant moms — from the National Diaper Bank Network, an organization that works to meet the basic needs of all children and families living in the United States, to Knots of Love, a program that donates snuggly, soft blankets to Neonatal Intensive Care Units across the country. Even after the season of giving passes, the bows are taken down, and the wreaths disappear, the Babyscripts team is committed to incorporating the act of volunteering into our company culture, particularly for at risk moms in our community.
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