
Congress is expanding reimbursement for telehealth as virtual care becomes the new standard response to the demands of the coronavirus pandemic. Babyscripts virtual maternity care solution meets the eligibility requirements for many of these funding opportunities, and we are available to help our customers understand and take full advantage of these reimbursements.

On Monday, April 13, the FCC published an order in the Federal Register opening applications for funding to support eligible health healthcare providers in the purchase and provision of connected care services in response to COVID-19. The $200 million appropriated to the FCC for this distribution program will be awarded on a rolling basis until the funding is exhausted or until the current pandemic has ended (grants are not expected to exceed $1 million per applicant). 

As a remote monitoring solution that employs internet connected medical devices (like bluetooth enabled blood pressure cuffs), Babyscripts virtual maternity care meets the FCC’s eligibility requirements for “connected care services.” To include Babyscripts in a grant request, our customers should reach out to for a detailed pricing proposal, including on cost per patient, monthly fees, and implementation fees.

Who is eligible?

The FCC has identified the following healthcare providers as eligible for funding under the COVID-19 program:

  • Post-secondary educational institutions offering healthcare instruction, teaching hospitals, and medical schools
  • Community health centers or health centers providing healthcare to migrants
  • Local health departments or agencies
  • Community mental health centers
  • Not-for-profit hospitals
  • Rural health clinics
  • Skilled nursing facilities
  • Consortia of healthcare providers consisting of one or more entities falling into the first seven categories.

Non-rural entities may directly participate without needing to be part of a consortium of rural entities. Each separate site or location of a healthcare provider is considered an individual healthcare provider site for eligibility determination purposes.

For further information, including guidance on the application process and submission portal, click here.


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