Pregnant mothers

In the news this week, women are pushing through stigmas to speak up about the realities of miscarriage, loss, and depression during and after pregnancy. The barriers of social determinants of health are in the spotlight as questions of health equity continue to occupy the industry. Plus, concerns over Covid and how it is continuing to change the industry.

10/15, Popsugar: A Mom on Maternal Mental Health For Women of Color: "Society Holds This False Expectation"

10/15, The Washington Post: When we lost our baby at 23 weeks, I didn’t realize how important a virtual network would be

10/15, FDA: FDA Warns that Using a Type of Pain and Fever Medication in Second Half of Pregnancy Could Lead to Complications

10/14, Healthcare Finance: Addressing maternal mortality, access to care and the digital divide

10/14, CFO: 7 Ways COVID-19 Will Transform Health Care

10/14, New York Times: For Pregnant Women, a Push to Head Off Depression Before It Starts

10/7, Morningstar: Dollars to Doctors: How the Coronavirus Could Reshape Healthcare Spending

ICYMI: Babyscripts welcomes Haywood Brown, MD, former president of ACOG 


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