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The AMA releases a guide for improving maternal health that includes remote patient monitoring. A personal story of maternal mortality underscores the need for better education and tools to address hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and reevaluate care standards. Plus, misunderstanding the term "digital transformation" could be holding health systems back from crucial innovation.  

🎥  9/06, Healthcare IT News: Building successful AI projects requires digital health maturity

Hal Wolf, CEO of HIMSS, discusses common questions about AI facing health systems, including how to utilize AI in operations and what it can do for clinical decision support.

9/04, AMA: Specific steps we must take now to reduce maternal mortality

Highlights concrete actions to improve maternal health outcomes, such as expanding evidence-based programs for pregnant and postpartum people with SUD and promoting telehealth and home monitoring during pregnancy and the postpartum period while addressing barriers to remote care provision.

9/04, TechTarget: Do Medicaid ACOs boost patient care access in pregnancy?

New research shows that expansion of Medicaid ACO models has the potential to improve engagement in prenatal and postpartum care for Medicaid enrollees.

9/03, The Wall Street Journal: The Overlooked Condition Endangering Pregnant Women and New Mothers

Preeclampsia, marked by a sudden increase in blood pressure, is on the rise in the U.S. This tragic story of a new mother lost to the condition highlights how little we still understand about it.

8/29, Healthcare IT News: What do 'digital transformation' and 'digital health' really mean?

Many healthcare providers are missing opportunities through a lack of understanding about digital transformation. However, with cost and margin pressures rising, health systems should reevaluate the long-term value proposition.





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