
In the news this week: As the lack of information around the novel coronavirus and maternal health continues, providers find new ways to support pregnant women, and adapt to the shifting needs of their patients and overwhelmed hospitals through new protocols, policy changes, and reimbursement codes. Plus, a look at the long-term effects of the pandemic on women's health.


4/2/2020, Philadelphia Inquirer: Fleeing coronavirus in NYC, pregnant women head to Philly area but struggle to find prenatal care

4/2/2020, World Economic Forum: The COVID-19 pandemic could have huge knock-on effects on women's health, says the UN

4/1/2020, mHealth Intelligence: CMS Affirms Payment Parity for Telehealth, Adds More Covered Services

3/31/2020, WBUR: Harvard OB-GYN: In Fast-Changing Landscape, Much To Learn About COVID-19 And Pregnancy

3/30/2020, NPR: Pregnant Women Could Give Birth In Hospitals Filled With COVID-19 Patients

3/30/2020, NPR: Pregnant Women Worry About Pandemic's Impact On Labor, Delivery And Babies

3/30/2020, Health IT Today: COVID-19 News: Updates From The Trenches


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