This week, the White House announced its latest initiative to promote women's health, as more concerning data is released around maternal health outcomes. Infant mortality is rising for the first time in 20 years, and the first maternal depression screenings released through HEDIS show a lower than 20% compliance to maternal mental health screenings. Resources from the March of Dimes and the Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health break down the outcomes by region, while a new trial promotes self-monitoring of blood pressure as a partial solution. Plus, news out of Mississippi highlights the difficulties of hospitals still trying to recoup losses from the pandemic, threats of closure in under resourced areas, and government's struggle to effectively offer solutions. 

11/15, Mississippi Today: The state’s troubled hospital grant program has finally awarded money to eight facilities. Many more are waiting.

11/14, The Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health: U.S. Maternal Depression Screening Rates Released for the First Time Through HEDIS

11/13, The White House: Fact Sheet, President Joe Biden to Announce First-Ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research

11/13, MedPageTODAY: Self-Monitoring Lowers Blood Pressure After Pregnancy Complicated by Hypertension

🎙️  Artcraft Health: Conversations That Impact Outcomes: A Crisis in Black Maternal Health 


March of Dimes: 2023 Maternal & Infant Health Report Card

The Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health: High Risk/Lowest Resource County List

CDC: Infant Mortality in the United States: Provisional Data From the 2022 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death File


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