Big news update from Babyscripts this week!

The company was featured on the front page of the New York Times Sunday Edition, in the article Maternity’s Most Dangerous Time: After New Mothers Come Home.

The article highlights the dangers that mothers face in the critical period between childbirth and a child’s first birthday, and the role of remote monitoring for supporting mothers and providers.

CEO Anish Sebastian also featured in the news this week, offering his insights on recent legislation to address Black maternal health for Afro News: "Congress revives the ‘Momnibus Act,’ but can it solve the Black maternal mortality crisis?"

Other news items include new diabetes data, insights from the recent ACOG meeting, and the role of MCOs in improving maternal health outcomes. 

6/02, UPI: U.S. sees sharp rise in rate of pregnant women who have diabetes

6/01, Physician's Weekly: Preventing Superimposed Preeclampsia in Chronically Hypertensive Women with Low-dose Aspirin

5/30, Becker's Healthcare: The healthcare disruptors scaring physicians 

5/26, Contemporary OB/GYN: How technology can improve obstetric care

5/22, The Commonwealth Fund: The Road to Maternal Health Runs Through Medicaid Managed Care

5/18, The Wall Street Journal: Preeclampsia Blood Test Wins FDA Clearance


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